Microgreens | Germinations
Beets are from the same family as the chards and spinaches. The beets have so many benefits that it would be a shame not to incorporate them to your daily food diet. Beets provide a wellbeing sensation while reducing stress.
The Beets micro-greens have a slight sweet flavor and bring a colorful touch with its bright red stem and the contrasting darker green leaves. Chefs adores them to vamp in color and flavor their culinary creations.
Low in fat. Riche Rich in fibre, iron, nitrate, folic acid, minerals and vitamins. Beets are also charged with powerful antioxidants. Promotes muscle oxygenation while exercising, which has the potential to reduce fatigue and raise the energy level and increase tolerance to endurance training. The pectin contained in beets help remove toxins and heavy metals from the body.
- Detoxifying and healing power
- Anti-stress
- Helps de-grease the body
- Powerful antioxidant
- Increases immune fonctions
- Help protects against heart disease
- Slows aging
- Contributes in DNA repair and protection
- Alleviates cardiovascular disease
- Help protects from Alzheimer
- Help protects from Osteoporosis
- Stroke prevention
- Reduces risk of Type II diabetes
- Reduces frequency of migraine Headaches
- Alleviates premenstual syndrome (PMS)
- Prevention of epileptic seizures
- Prevents alopecia (spot baldness)
- Alleviates Hypertension
Beets is not available at the grocery store, contact us for ordering.