Broccoli Raab (Rapini)
Microgreens | Germinations
Brocoli Raab is also known as rapini or Broccoli rabe or Broccoletti.
The Broccoli Raab micro-green adds a coarsely flavor to your meal. It is composed of smalls light green delicate leaves over a white stem.
Contains soluble fibres, indole-3-carbonol (I3C), folate, sulfur, and a wide variety of minerals and vitamins C, K.
- Detox and heals
- Antioxydant
- Increases protection from bacterial and viral infections
- Increases immute fonctions
- Reduces cancer risk
- Reduces risk of Colon Cancer
- Protects against heart diseases
- Regulation of blood sugar and insulin dependence
- Prevents both hyper and hypoglycemia
- Slows progression of AIDS
- Slows aging
- Contribute in DNA Repair and protection
- Protects agains dementia
- Alleviates cardiovascular disease
- Alleviates hypertension
- Improves eyesight
- Protects from Alzheimer
- Protects from Osteroposis
- Helps in strike prevention
- Reduces risk of Type II diabetes
- Lowers frequency of migraine headaches
- Helps in preventing Epilectic seizures
- Prevents spot bladness
- Alleviates inflammation
- Minimizes premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)